A periscope helps people see things they can’t see

So does effective leadership development

(Also, our founder, Pete, is really tall, making him a literal human periscope)

About Human Periscope

Everything we do is in service of helping leaders be better leaders

By ‘better’, we mean:

  • More aware of themselves, their strengths and their weaknesses

  • More empathetic in the way they lead their peers, teams, customers and suppliers

  • More curious and coach-like in the way that they deliver feedback

  • More intentional in strategising, casting a vision, telling stories and communicating effectively

  • More collaborative with their people, teams and superiors

We believe these real, human skills of leadership (sometimes referred to as ‘soft’ skills) are the most important skills of the modern leader.

Who’s ‘we’?

Human Periscope was founded in 2017 by Pete Shepherd (the tall guy above). He remains the chief program designer, facilitator, and executive coach. In simple terms, working with Human Periscope means working with Pete.

So what’s all this talk about ‘we’?

Over the years, Pete has learned from and collaborated with some of the world's smartest, most thoughtful and generous leaders. We are a ‘we’ because of our work with legends like Jen Waldman, Seth Godin, Margaret Atwood, Kirsty Stark, Akimbo, Adriane Jones, Liz Bradford, May Samali, Mary Freer, Lisa Lambert, Michael Lewarne, ICMI, Saxton and more.


And who is this Pete character?

In short: He’s the smiley guy pictured and the founder of Human Periscope.

In formal bio speak: Pete Shepherd is a leadership and executive coach and Founder of Human Periscope. He has worked with thousands of leaders right around the world from over 150 companies including Google, Kraft Heinz, Woolworths, Toyota, Westpac, Alfred Health, and The Australian Navy. 

Pete’s insights and approaches to coaching, facilitation and leadership development are uniquely valued around the world. He has collaborated with renowned authors and leaders including Seth Godin and Margaret Atwood, as well as Emmy award-winning producer Kirsty Stark and eminent Broadway acting coach Jen Waldman.

Pete is the former Head Coach of the altMBA, a TEDx speaker, and co-host of the popular weekly podcast The Long and The Short Of It.

As Seth Godin once described: “Pete is the real deal and the sort of person you’d want to be in the boat if you were going on a long swim in uncharted waters.”

PS. Oh, we don’t have anything else to say, these are just Pete’s initials… It’s more of a sign-off than a postscript…. This is awkward.